Doordash’s waiting list is the length of time you must wait before being accepted as a driver with the company. This time may vary depending on the demand in your area and the number of drivers available.
In general, the Doordash waiting list is usually anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. However, in some areas with high demand, the waiting list may be longer.
It is important to note that the Doordash waiting list is not a guarantee of work. Once you are on the waitlist, you must complete the verification and approval process before being hired as a driver.
If you are interested in becoming a Doordash driver , you can apply online and check availability in your area. If there is a waiting list, you will be notified and provided with an estimate of the wait time.
In short, the Doordash waiting list can vary depending on the demand in your area, but is typically anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Apply online to check availability in your area and receive a wait time estimate.