permit to sell food on the street

You may want to sell food on the streets, but you will need a permit. You can apply for a permit through your local public health unit. The permit costs money, so make sure you have enough before applying.

You must have a permit to sell food on the streets.

You cannot sell food on the street without a permit.

To get a permit, you’ll need to apply for it and pay a fee. You will also have to provide the right documents and information, as well as make the proper payment.

Documents to apply for a permit

Before you apply for a permit, you need to make sure that everything is in order. Here’s what you should bring with you:

  • A completed application package. This includes forms found here and can also be downloaded from the Public Health website.
  • A completed Risk Management Plan, which can be downloaded from the Public Health website.

In some cases, if your food establishment will have more than one on-site supervisor present during operations and/or plans to hire third party supervisors, then please provide us with a letter of authorization stating who they are and their relationship with your business; this is not the same person as applicant.

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A completed application package, which includes forms found here.

You will need a completed application package, which includes forms found here. The application form can be downloaded from the website or picked up at your local public health unit. For more information about submitting an application in person, please contact the health unit where you live.

A completed Risk Management Plan.

The Risk Management Plan is a document that explains how you plan to mitigate any potential risks to public health and safety. The Risk Management Plan must include:

  • A list of all food items that will be sold by the vendor.
  • An explanation of how these food items were prepared and stored prior to sale.
  • Documentation for each food item, including the name, supplier, date received and date used (if applicable).

The following information must also be included in your risk management plan:

  • Allergy information (for example, if you are using nuts in your recipe). This includes any possible allergens as well as any additional precautions taken during preparation or handling of the product (for example, if there is no cross-contamination). It may also include information about common ingredients such as dairy products or gluten if they pose a risk to specific groups of people who need alternative versions of your product instead.
  • Information on whether the menu items have ever been recalled due to contamination concerns; what types of contaminants were involved; what was done during inspection at retail locations where those foods were sold; whether or not there are any outstanding recalls issued against this establishment; how often inspections will take place by local authorities – every six months? Once per year? Every two years? Other factors that affect frequency like population density around stores/diners vs rural areas could impact how often inspections are conducted too so make sure this section includes some detail about why certain decisions were made regarding frequency!

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A letter of authorization.

If you are hiring a third party supervisor (this is not the same person as the applicant), they must provide a letter of authorization that:

  • Is signed by both you and them
  • Is on company letterhead
  • Includes their name, contact information, and relationship to your business

A list of the products that will be sold, as described on your Risk Management Plan.

A list of the products that will be sold, as described on your Risk Management Plan. This can be in a spreadsheet format or copied from your menu as long as it is legible.

Please include:

  • Product name and description.
  • Packaging type and size: loose, pre-packaged, bulk, etc., if applicable. If the product is already packaged on site (i.e., pre-packaged sandwiches), please indicate where you get these packages from and how they are stored before sale (e.g., refrigeration).
  • Date when you received the package/product(s) to sell during your permit period; this should match with what you submitted for inspection purposes at the time of requesting a permit

The appropriate fee.

There are two types of fees for street vendors: one for not-for-profit vendors and one for for-profit vendors. Fees are subject to change every year, so contact your local public health unit to find out what the current fee is before applying. Your application will not be processed without the proper payment. You will receive an invoice with your issued permit indicating how much you owe.

The process to get a permit is simple and straightforward. If you can’t find the answer you need here, please feel free to contact us leaving a comment.

By elkioskostreetfood

Traveller, I'll tell you everything you need to know about Street Food

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